Other base metals cermets articles thereof. Medals counterfeited or faked in 1850 or later. Coins withdrawn from circulation or which have become valueless as a means of payment or which were counterfeited or faked in 1850 or later. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal & articles thereof imitation jewellery. Wood & articles of wood wood charcoal. Wood and articles of wood wood charcoal cork & articles of cork manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials basket-ware & wickerwork. Photographic plates, negatives, etc which can be used to counterfeit coins & documents & to produce printed papers & reproductions resembling bank notes. Matches manufactured using white or yellow phosphorus. Prepared explosives other than propellant powders. Spontaneously inflammable materials, readily inflammable materials, such as materials with a flashpoint below 21☌, liquids with an alcohol content of 82% or above explosive & inflammable materials & articles loaded with explosive materials. Photographic or cinematographic products. Explosives pyrotechnic products matches pyrophoric alloys certain combustible preparations. Parts of ungulate animals not for human consumption.
Preparations of any kind containing methyl alcohol.Liquids with an alcohol content of 82% & above.DDT and products to which DDT has been added.Acids, bases, lachrymogenic products & metal salts & corrosives as well as slightly volatile sulphur compounds.Considered to be poisonous substances are those which, under existing legislation & decrees, must be marked as such.
Spontaneously inflammable materials, such as materials with a flash-point below 21☌.
Gas or inflammable gaseous compounds gases which are readily inflammable on contact with water. Inorganic chemicals organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes. Products of the chemical or allied industries. Earth from non-European countries & containing parts of plants or humus, except for peat. Salt sulphur earths & stone plastering materials lime and cement. Absinth & similar products as well as the raw materials intended for the manufacture of such beverages (essences & extracts), liquids with an alcohol content of 82 precent & above. Meat prepared from horses & other solipeds, except from their small intestines. Preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates. Prepared foodstuffs beverages, spirits & vinegar tobacco & manufactured tobacco substitutes. Lac gums, resins & other vegetable saps and extracts. Live trees & other plants bulbs, roots & the like cut flowers & ornamental foliage. Flesh of dogs, cats, foxes, badgers & monkeys. All live animals, except bees, leeches, silkworms, parasites and destroyers of noxious insects intended for the control of those insects & exchanged between officially recognised institutions, flies of the family Drosophilidae for biomedical research exchanged between officially recognised institutions. Lithium batteries and equipment containing lithium batteries. PROHIBITED ITEMS: (not allowed in any circumstance) Specific restrictions and changes may be enforced at short notice, so for clarification please contact the USAs trade, postal or customs authority. The information below is provided in good faith, but Parcels Cheaper is not responsible for it and it should be viewed as a guide only. Prohibitions and restrictions vary from country to country and can sometimes apply to items which you may think are ordinary. When an item is restricted you must comply with the restriction.
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